The acclaimed actress Kangana Ranaut, now a politician having won the Lok Sabha elections from Mandi, Himachal Pradesh on a BJP ticket, has always been known for her candidness. She often voices her opinions openly, sometimes leading to clashes with other Bollywood celebrities, including Alia Bhatt.


Kangana’s Praise for Alia Bhatt

A resurfaced video has gone viral, showing Kangana Ranaut lauding Alia Bhatt and calling her the "undisputed queen" of Bollywood. She expressed, "She is the crowned queen, undisputed queen most definitely. It’s Alia’s world and we are just living in it."

This video dates back to the release of Alia Bhatt's 2018 movie “Raazi.” Kangana commended not only Alia’s performance but also Meghna Gulzar’s direction. Despite being unable to attend the preview due to her shooting schedule, Kangana promised Alia she would watch the film soon and later praised it highly.


Shifting Dynamics in Bollywood

However, the relationship between Kangana and Alia experienced turbulence. Kangana revealed her disappointment over the lack of support she received from Alia and others in the industry. According to Kangana, she had always supported her peers, watching their films and attending previews, often rearranging her schedule to do so.

In contrast, she felt that when it came to her own work, the support was not reciprocated. She mentioned having several previews for “Tanu Weds Manu” which went unattended by her colleagues. Despite her efforts to show up for their events, the favor was not returned, which led her to decide not to attend future previews.


Industry Reactions and Public Opinion

Kangana’s forthright statements have often sparked debates within the Bollywood community and among fans. This particular instance has once again highlighted the complex dynamics and perceived inequities within the industry.


What’s Your View?

What do you think about Kangana's stance and her views on the support within the Bollywood fraternity? Share your thoughts with us.