'Premam' was originally a Malayalam film, dubbed into Telugu by SS Karthikeya, son of filmmaker SS Rajamouli. Released on the streaming platform Aha, it has not only been a hit in theaters but also on digital screens, amassing a whopping 70 million streaming minutes. This romantic drama, set against the vibrant backdrop of Hyderabad, captivated audiences in the Telugu states, earning close to Rs 14 crore.
Record-Breaking Performance on Aha
Aha secured the OTT rights for 'Premalu' and has reaped significant benefits from its success. After surpassing 60 million streaming minutes, the film has now reached over 70 million minutes, breaking further records. This information was initially reported by OTTPlay. This achievement sets a new high for dubbed films in Telugu on the Aha platform.
Impact on Aha and Popularity
The film's success has contributed significantly to Aha's growth, with a noticeable increase in subscriptions attributed to its popularity. Given its Hyderabadi setting, 'Premalu' has resonated well with local audiences, enhancing its appeal and viewership.
Rising Star: Mamitha Baiju
Mamitha Baiju's performance in 'Premalu' has propelled her to new heights in the Telugu film industry. Her role has been pivotal to the film's success, earning her critical acclaim and new opportunities. Reports suggest that she has already signed on for another Telugu film, with an official announcement expected soon.