"The Forest" is a supernatural horror movie on Netflix that keeps viewers on the edge of their seats. The film stars Natalie Dormer as twin sisters Jess and Sara Price. The story follows Sara as she embarks on a terrifying journey to Japan's Aokigahara Forest to find her missing sister, Jess.

Sara's Journey to Find Jess

Sara receives a frantic call informing her that her twin sister, Jess, has gone missing in Japan. Despite the eerie reputation of Aokigahara Forest, known for its association with stress and suicides, Sara is determined to find Jess. She believes in their special telepathic connection and is convinced that Jess is still alive.

Entering Aokigahara Forest

The Aokigahara Forest, also known as the Suicide Forest, is said to harbor negative energies that lead people to madness and suicide. Sara, accompanied by a foreign guide named Aiden, ventures into the forest. Despite numerous warnings to remember happy memories and not trust her senses due to potential hallucinations, Sara is driven by her determination to find Jess.

The Climax

As the search progresses, Sara is confronted by the forest's supernatural entities, known as yūrei. These spirits prey on their victims' fears and guilt. Sara, burdened by the traumatic memory of her parents' deaths and her guilt for not protecting Jess, becomes an easy target.

The Tragic End

Sara's hallucinations intensify, leading her to mistrust Aiden and eventually kill him. In a state of confusion and fear, she accidentally kills herself, thinking she is defending herself from her dead father.

The Revelation

When the rescue team arrives, they find Jess emerging from the forest, but Sara is nowhere to be found. Jess's survival is attributed to her mental strength and resilience, which helped her endure the forest's horrors.

The Poignant Conclusion

The movie ends with Jess realizing that Sara is gone. Their telepathic connection is broken, and Jess is filled with sorrow. The final scene shows Sara being engulfed by the forest's darkness, screaming in terror, while Jess experiences a mix of relief and guilt.

Final Thoughts

"The Forest" explores deep themes of fear, guilt, and the supernatural. Jess's escape highlights her strength, while Sara's tragic end underscores the power of unresolved trauma. The movie leaves viewers contemplating the impact of past events on our present actions and mental state